My grandmother gave us a fig tree to plant in Mr. KMP's parent's yard a while back, and we found that it is doing quite nicely! I was surprised, because there was so much flooding in Indiana, I thought most of the plants would have been destroyed. This fig tree is a trooper!
We also had a great time in Michigan. Walloon is one of my favorite places in the world, and it was really nice to get out on the water with Maggie (she's the one in the life vest.)
After we got settled back in Flagstaff, my brother and sister came out to visit. We went to the Grand Canyon and ate a massive amount of Jelly Bellies and watched Ren & Stimpy and Daria. It was lovely!
More recently though, I quite my job at Starbucks, and got a position at Victim/Witness Services for Coconino County. I'm their new Volunteer Program Coordinator, and I love it. Now that I don't have crazy hours (and I'm winding up my Masters...!!!), I should have more time to write, and given my new job, I'll have a different perspective on issues where I was previously doing a lot of speculating. I hope everyone else had a great summer!